917 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y 10021
Putting the HIGH! back in the HIGH HOLYDAYS!

Entrance Information


Advance reservations are not required for admission. However, following the participatory model, admission is by donation only. In this way, we hope to ensure 100% participation and support that will enable our services to continue. While there is no set fee, we encourage you to please be as generous as possible, so we are able to cover the high cost associated with our services. Our future continuity depends on you. Please refer to the below donation range as a guide for your giving.

We ask that you please refer to the requirements for entrance for your contribution and security. Everyone who attends our services must register and donate. To donate, please make your check payable to:

American Jewish Heritage organization
Kehilat Mizrach (the official name of East Side synagogue).

This check should accompany your registration

To register, please bring with you a sheet of paper with the following information printed very neatly and clearly:

  • Your First & Last Name
  • Full Address ( city, state, ZIP code)
  • Day & Evening Telephone Number
  • Email address (please print your email address very clearly)
  • Your Profession or Occupation Along With Your Business Name, Address, and Phone Number.

More information

We strongly encourage you to please bring this information and your donation with you already filled out so as to facilitate a smooth and swift entrance.

If you do not bring this information with you clearly printed along with your donation, you will be directed to the registration table, where there will be someone to help you fill out the appropriate information to complete the registration/ donation process. Either way, once your registration and donation are complete, you will be given an admission ticket that allows you to enter the service.

Only one registration sheet and donation is needed for you and one other adult who is a spouse or partner living in the same household as you. The same applies for children under the age of 18. If other adults would like to accompany you to our services, they must donate and register separately.

Please do not send or leave any registration material at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church since it’s likely to get misplaced.

  • If you are new to giving, we ask you to please be as generous as possible. This will avoid us from having to set a minimum entrance fee in the future. If you have given in the past, we ask you to please increase your gift dramatically. We ask that the amount you select be per person (for example; a couple selecting the $365 category, please send $730). Please note this is a guide only. There is no minimum amount or set fee for your donation. We only ask you be as generous as possible so we can continue our Open door admission policy. All are welcome. Your gifts are tax deductible. Please select one of these giving levels and consider an additional gift after the Holidays to become a sustaining partner in our efforts:

    • $10,000
    • $5,000
    • $2,500
    • $1,800
    • $1,000
    • $500
    • $365
    • Other.

We ask that you dress appropriately in order to maintain the dignity of these services. Gentlemen, please utilize a tie and jacket; Ladies, skirt or dressy pantsuit. Please do not attend in jeans or inappropriate clothing.


We encourage you to bring a tallit (prayer shawl) with you. This is not a requirement, but something you can do. In our congregation, both men and women wear a tallit (though again, this is optional for either gender). You can obtain a wide variety in different styles, sizes, and colors at West Side Judaica (ask for Shloimy) on Broadway between 88th and 89th Streets in Manhattan, 212-362-7846.


Due to security considerations, we ask that you please do not bring backpacks, bags or briefcases with you.


We do not have childcare and do not, as yet, have children’s services. Hence, if you have a child above the age of six or seven who can sit quietly, they may attend. However, children who cry out or can’t sit still (and Mom and Dad have trouble with them in this setting) are disruptive to the worshippers and to our concentration. We must request that you please respect the importance of these holydays and not bring them with you. We are not looking to be mean or unfriendly and we love kids, but in the past, this has proven to be very disturbing and we ask you to please abide by this.


“…I came from a no-background Jewish background. At most, it meant to me lox and bagels. But I see what I have missed all these years…”

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